OOOOb Requirements

EPA's air emissions regulation, OOOOb, establishes VOC and methane emission standards for owners and operators of one or more onshore oil and gas source, which commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction after December 6, 2022. Depending on the applicable emission sources at your facility, owners and operators must comply with these rules and prepare an annual report with submittal to EPA. Below is a list of the emission sources covered under OOOOb:

  • Fugitive Emissions at Well Sites, Centralized Production Facilities, and Compressor Stations

  • Process Controllers

  • Pumps

  • Associated Gas from Wells Producing Primarily Oil

  • Gas Well Liquids Unloading Operations

  • Well Completions

  • Centrifugal Compressors

  • Reciprocating Compressors

  • Control Devices

  • Storage Vessels

  • Sweetening Units

Let COMM help you understand your OOOOb requirements and establish compliance.

COMM Advantages:

  • Certify your facility emissions with a State Level Air Permit.
  • Organize and submit OOOOb annual reporting. 
  • Capable of performing Closed Vent System (CVS) Analysis with PE Certification.
  • Create and oversee fugitive emission LDAR monitoring plan and perform surveys for one flat rate.

Learn how COMM takes the chaos out of compliance

Ready to learn more about how COMM can solve your compliance challenges? Contact us today!